Court Life Below Stairs, Or, London Under the Last Georges : 1714-1760 V.1

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The book Court Life Below Stairs, Or, London Under the Last Georges : 1714-1760 V.1 was written by author Here you can read free online of Court Life Below Stairs, Or, London Under the Last Georges : 1714-1760 V.1 book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Court Life Below Stairs, Or, London Under the Last Georges : 1714-1760 V.1 a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Court Life Below Stairs, Or, London Under the Last Georges : 1714-1760 V.1 book?
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Strawbridge, a lady over fend of pleasure, if report spoke truly. She lived in Saville Row, Piccadilly, where the beau visited her frequently, for the purpose of exp: essing his undying affection. The lady had much experience of the world in general and beaux in particular, and was anxious to put Doddington's protesta- tions to the test ; so on one occasion, when he declared his love for her with more ardour than usual, she told him he would soon forget and desert her ; this he denied indig- na...ntly, and the end of their little discussion was that he gave her a bond, promising to pay her the sum of ;^io,ooo if he should ever marry another woman whilst she lived. This, he probably thought, would bind his fancy if it were ever 266 COURT LIFE BELOW STAIRS.
liable to stray ; women see farther in such things, and Mrs.
Strawbridge proved correct in her surmises regarding his unfaithfulness, for soon afterwards he transferred his affec- tions to Mrs. Behan, whom he was anxious to marry, but the dreaded bond stood between him and his wish.

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Court Life Below Stairs, Or, London Under the Last Georges : 1714-1760 V.1
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