Courted (How Not to Be Seduced By Billionaires: book 2)

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The book Courted (How Not to Be Seduced By Billionaires: book 2) was written by author Here you can read free online of Courted (How Not to Be Seduced By Billionaires: book 2) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Courted (How Not to Be Seduced By Billionaires: book 2) a good or bad book?
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He seemed to have said something else after that, something about confusion or whatever, which I totally understood. This was utterly confusing for me, too.              Constantijin Kastein had agreed to court me.              Oh, the mind boggled. It was like some girl – a total nobody like me – had asked Ryan Gosling to court her (the nerve!) and he had agreed (the bitch!).              “Yanna?”              I looked up at him blankly.              Constantijin Kastein had agreed to court me....              He frowned.              Okay, that was not a look a man intent on courting me should have. Shaking my confusion away, I said, “W-what is it?”              “Did you hear what I said?”              “That you’re confused?”              Exasperation making his accent even thicker, he growled, “No. I said I had conditions.”              Oh.              It was my turn to frown, and I did so, severely.

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Courted (How Not to Be Seduced By Billionaires: book 2)
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