Crazy Thing Called Love (2013)

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The book Crazy Thing Called Love was written by author Here you can read free online of Crazy Thing Called Love book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Crazy Thing Called Love a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Crazy Thing Called Love book?
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The words kept repeating themselves in an awful loop in his head.
There was no way the kids were going back.
The decision came with a thousand worries, but none of them as great as the doubt he’d been living under for the last two days. Making the decision felt good. He could breathe again.
He was going to keep the kids.
Keep the kids. It was so simple. He turned and started to make coffee.
“Maddy said we could go over,” Becky said, coming back into the room ten minutes after she’d left to make
...her call in private.
The scoop hit the edge of the coffee machine, scattering grounds across the counter. He swept them away. Waiting to turn around until he got the smile on his face under control.
“That’s great,” he said. Still smiling, but now down at the coffeepot. He hit the on switch.
“She told us to bring swimming suits. Her condo has a pool.”
“Are you kidding—” he started to say, turning. But she was gone.
That girl was working on something.
But then, so was he.
For the next few minutes, Billy did the best he could, laughing and joking with Charlie, trying hard to get Becky to smile—all while getting a diaper bag packed.

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Crazy Thing Called Love
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