Crimson Rose (2014)

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He turned the key in the gun’s mechanism slowly, watching the pool’s edge where the dark waters lay matted with dead bulrushes. Here and there, a new green shoot rose like a promise from the brown. He nestled the pearl-inlaid butt against his shoulder and lined his eye up along the barrel. This gun was a bitch; he knew that of old, but he also knew it was worth a queen’s ransom and he treated it with the respect it deserved.
    Then he saw them, a pair of mallards in the morning, the drake, ver
...y like himself, in gorgeous colours, preening its feathers and diving to impress his lady love, the brown speckled drab who swam dutifully behind, looking coy and simple. It was spring in the marshes of Islington and the mallards, like Ned Alleyn who spied on them, had mating in mind.
    ‘Alleyn!’ The barking voice couldn’t have been worse timed. It coincided with his finger squeezing the trigger and the shot went wide, the gun’s butt thudding into his shoulder with such force that he dropped the thing and only just managed to rescue it from an expensive slide into the murky waters of the pond.

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