Crusoes of the Frozen North

Cover Crusoes of the Frozen North
Crusoes of the Frozen North
Stables Gordon
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What reading level is Crusoes of the Frozen North book?
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Well, after they had all talked till they were tired, Tom said: "Now, girls, just you lie down to sleep. Frank, here is my ticker. " He gave hiscousin his watch as he spoke. "You have to do sentry for three hours. Then wake me up and I'll let you lie down. See, I'll put my rifle andbelt, with fifty cartridges in it, beside you. Mind, that is only forshow, because you're too little a boy to touch guns. Anybody want alittle more snow? No? Very well. " So the girls curled up with Veevee and Floss,
... and Tom lay near. ButBriton seemed to say: "No, I won't sleep; I'll lie and watch with Frank. " Frank was not sorry to have the dog beside him for it was terrible tofeel all alone in such a dismal place.
Well, the night wore slowly on--one, two, three, four hours--and Frankwas just looking at the rifle, and pretending to aim at something in thefalling snow, when, all at once, Briton uttered a low warning growl andsprang to his feet.
Next moment a great shambling bear was right in the mouth of the cave.

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Crusoes of the Frozen North
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