Crux Aetatis, And Other Poems

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Impenetrable walls of poppies rose before My eyes. The breezes slept. I saw^the face no 25 III. ECHOES I won the wide summit of a wood-girt hill.
Behind me stealthy leaves were falling silently, Yellow ripples upon Autumn's purple sea In whose twilight distant gorgeous forests swoon, Jewelled islands of dream. And over the edge of the hill From the pale purple sea had welled the yellow moon — Memory's golden heart, it hung quivering over the hill: And the children's play, the fairy croon.
The beat of the pace at the start of the race, The shimmering pool that ebbed so soon.
And the tremors upon a forgotten face — Came, vibrant echoes, from heights unattain- able. . . .
26 Autumn Gypsy I found her wandering over the hill One warm October day ; Her feet, sun-glints that swift and still, O'er waving grasses stray.
A single wind-blown garment torn, Clung to her slender form, Gray, purple-shaded, season-worn By sun, and thorn, and storm.
Her golden tresses were shot with fire As sun-lit maple trees ; And through them, eyes of deep desire — Blue sky through golden leaves.

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Crux Aetatis, And Other Poems
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