Cyr Graded Art Readers: book Three

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Cyr Graded Art Readers: book Three
Ellen M Cyr
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Sculptors of life are we as we stand With our souls uncarved before us, Waiting the hour when at God's command Our life dream shall pass o'er us.
If we carve it then on the yielding stone With many a sharp incision.
Its heavenly beauty shall be our own.
Our lives that angel vision.
George W. Doane 101 THE SNOW STATUE When Michael was eighteen years old a change came into his life. His generous friend, Lorenzo de' Medici, was taken ill and died.
Michael felt his loss so deeply that it was some t
...ime before he could think of his work.
He left the palace and went to his home, where he fitted up a room for a studio.
He purchased a block of marble seven feet high, and carved a figure of Hercules, which stood for many years in one of the palaces in Florence.
Lorenzo's son, Piero, took his father's place.
He was a young man of weak character, and no favorite with the people of Florence.
Piero admired the genius of Michael Angelo and still looked upon him as a member of the household. He consulted with him when art treasures were to be chosen, and finally took him 102 THE SNOW STATUE 103 back to the palace, giving him the room which Lorenzo had set aside for him, and a seat at the table.

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