Daddy Warlock

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It didn’t give a company name, just a post office box.
    “I’m getting to the point where I don’t trust anyone”, she admitted to her friend, who was stirring a pot of spaghetti. “How do I know Chance didn’t place this ad just to lure me back?”
    “It’s only been two days. He wouldn’t have had time to get it in the paper,” Denise pointed out, shoving a strand of red hair behind her ear.
    Tara glanced across the tiny kitchen to the living room, where Harry lay on the couch studying his favori
...te picture book. Had it really only been two days since she’d stalked out of Ma Maison, or Mi Casa, or whatever name the house had decided on?
    It seemed much longer. With Harry suspended from school, it was difficult to seek work. Her problem would be compounded by the fact that she had left her most recent job abruptly.
    Thank goodness for Denise. Otherwise, Tara didn’t know where she would have gone.

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