Dancing With Werewolves (2008)

Cover Dancing With Werewolves
Dancing With Werewolves
Carole Nelson Douglas
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What reading level is Dancing With Werewolves book?
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I think she approved that my get-up matched her DOB: Date of Birth to us crime reporters.
    I’d freshened up at the cottage, putting in my gray contact lenses and running black lipstick over my original red. Moving among CinSymbiants and CinSims as either of them was a great disguise in Las Vegas. The hall mirror insisted on imprinting on my eyes as true blue, but my purse mirror told me I was passing as cinematic gray.
    I left Dolly to the tender mercies of a parking valet who resembled a
...young Arnold Schwarzenegger and clattered solo into the Twin Peaks on my fifties spike heels. Where was Perry Mason when you needed him?
    Where fashion made forties women look statuesque and stern and seriously sexy in a dominatrix way, fifties women had looked fussy and frivolous and French maidish in a Trixie way. That look suited me fine right now. Nothing like being underestimated for collecting lots of information.
    The Twin Peaks had a CinSim transvestite revue.

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