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The room in which she sat was filled with lovely furniture, stocked with more books than she could ever read. Lovely artwork adorned the walls, and the tiles of a newly completed garden mosaic shone under her feet. During the month she’d been in Briarton, she’d often retreated to this room for time alone. Light flooded the chamber from dawn to dusk, and even the rarest of plants thrived there.
    If only she were a rose or a fern, requiring nothing but water and sunlight to be content.
    She turned toward the comforting sound of Glenda’s voice. Eager to gain his new wife’s approval, Grant had agreed to bring Glenda to Briarton, and her familiar presence was a welcome bit of home in the strange surroundings. “Yes?”
    “Would you like me to bring your dinner in here?”
    “Has my husband returned from his rounds?”
    Glenda’s sour expression revealed her feelings about Elisabeth’s marriage, but she politely replied, “A few moments ago.”

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