Dangerous Waters

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The book Dangerous Waters was written by author Here you can read free online of Dangerous Waters book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Dangerous Waters a good or bad book?
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It was full dark now, twenty-four hours since they’d found that body. Exhaustion grated along Finn’s nerves, but he couldn’t put this off any longer. He headed down to the dock and climbed into the rowboat. He wanted to figure out who the victim was before the cops did—only one person to ask. Trouble was that person hadn’t spoken to him in years.
The dip of oars in the water was the only sound even though it wasn’t late. Bamfield-west was quiet, and unless there was a poker game tonight, most pe
...ople would be tucked up in front of their satellite TVs, nursing a cold one.
The sea was calm, saving her energy for her next blast of destruction. A whale surfaced only a few feet away, releasing a blast of spray that showered Finn with fine droplets of water.
“Son of a—” He held his breath until it dove beneath him and the boat again. Wasn’t much that could creep up on him, and it was ironic that something so large did it effortlessly. He carried on rowing, glad for the adrenaline rush that fired up his nerves.

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