Dark Entry (2014)

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The Discourses had gone well, he had enjoyed his dinner in College, and he now looked forward to a few hours of quiet reflection on his own, as he had just seen Parker and Colwell release a piglet in preparation for an evening at the Brazen George.
    He wriggled the key into the reluctant lock and was just beginning to lose his temper with it when he realized it was already open. He would have some words to say to Colwell and Parker when he saw them next; no doubt, having taken delivery of the
... piglet, all other thoughts left their heads. He just hoped the piglet hadn’t been in the room too long. He pushed the door open and went in, throwing his cap in the general direction of the settle in the dark and shrugging off his gown. He threw himself on to his bed and laced his fingers behind his head. He loved people and people watching. A sonnet was forming in his head as he lay there, based on the turn of a pretty neck he had been admiring over dinner. He tried a few lines, declaimed to the dark.

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