Dark Savior: a Dark Bad Boy Romance

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I’m lying on something soft with a familiar fabric and a familiar smell. It’s the sofa in the apartment. He brought me back upstairs. I failed yet again. I open my eyes and the first thing I see is the worried expression on his face as he hovers over me. Kade is wearing his leather jacket with a dark sweater underneath. He looks exhausted. His stubble is darker than usual and his eyes have shadows underneath them that have not been there before. He looks like someone who’s pulled an all-nighter.... It doesn’t hurt his appearance at all, though. He’s as handsome as ever. I try to get up, but am interrupted by a sharp pain at the side of my head. “Fuck,” I hiss, falling back into the cushions. “What the hell….”Kade chuckles and gently strokes along my cheek. “You are one lucky girl, you know that,” he says. “I couldn’t disagree more.” I frown at him. “What makes you say that?”His smile widens. “You don’t remember?”I want to shake my head, but the ache from a moment before causes me to freeze where I am.

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Dark Savior: a Dark Bad Boy Romance
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