Dark Transmissions (2016)

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Later rewritten to read: Chosen Core Protocol Three: Once it occupies a shell, a Machina is permitted to use force up to a nonlethal degree in order to defend itself or another.
    —­The Chosen Protocols, author unknown, date unknown 10th of SSE–10 1443 A2E For Arturo, Morrigan and Phaël, the station’s corridor might have been foreboding. For Chord, this was a place and nothing more than a collection of reinforced steel and wires. Old? Yes. Dilapidated? Most certainly. But there was no reason t
...o believe that the communications blackout with the Jinxed Thirteenth was anything more than a malfunction that had occurred when the magnetic tethers had snapped. Chord had explained this to the rest of the team.
    The information did not prevent Morrigan Brent from unslinging his heavy omnibarrel carbine or Phaël from nervously studying every dark corner she saw while holding on to her turtle pendant. Arturo remained poised and ready, standing by Chord as it tried to open the next airlock, his carbine in a low and ready stance.

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