Dark Union (The Descent Series)

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The book Dark Union (The Descent Series) was written by author Here you can read free online of Dark Union (The Descent Series) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Dark Union (The Descent Series) a good or bad book?
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The temperature had reached one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, there was no wind, and Anthony Morales had been trying to sell his Jeep to random assholes from Craigslist all afternoon.“What the hell have you done to this thing?” asked potential buyer number three, who claimed his name was “Buddy,” and was as thick in the waist as a baby elephant.They stood in the shade of a high-rise apartment building, which funneled heat directly toward them over rippling asphalt. Anthony hoped that parking his J...eep in an alley stained with oil, covered in trash, and overlooked by barred windows might make his car look a little less offensive in comparison. Instead, the Jeep looked like it belonged in one of the big green dumpsters.Anthony rubbed a hand down his face and left behind a greasy smear. “There were pictures in the ad.”“Is that what I asked? No. I asked what you did to it.”“I told you. I’m a mechanic. This was my hobby vehicle.”Buddy snorted. “Is your hobby beating it with a goddamn crowbar?”Anthony tried not to feel wounded.

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