Daughter of a Monarch

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She hates the garden, but only because it always messes up her allergies. I assume she’s here because no one will look for her here. She rubs her arms as if warding off a chill.I scrunch my eyes and make my way over to her. “Mom?”She startles at the sound of my voice and places her hand on her chest. “Aislin! Oh my God! Don’t just sneak up on someone like that! Especially now.”I cross my arms over my chest and cut my eyes at her. “You’re never in the garden. What are you hiding from?”She sits do...wn on a bench and laughs, but it lacks humor. “We know each other too well.”Yeah, we do, but I mean, come on, really? It would be obvious to a rock that something is seriously messed up.She pats the spot next to her with a shaky hand. “It’s a long story.”I look down at my feet and bite my bottom lip. I shouldn’t just blurt out a question. I should give her an opportunity to explain, but I can’t help it. “Who was that guy?” It’s the first thing I’m dying to know.She shakes her head and looks away from me.

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