Day Shift (Midnight, Texas #2)

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The book Day Shift (Midnight, Texas #2) was written by author Here you can read free online of Day Shift (Midnight, Texas #2) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Day Shift (Midnight, Texas #2) a good or bad book?
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Not that Manfred habitually thought of them as followers—he called them clients. He never thought of himself as a confidence man, since he was the real deal. But his talent did not always manifest at the time he needed it to, so sometimes, naturally, he had to fill in.
    That was the way he looked at it.
    When the first knock came at the door, he raised his head, annoyed. Who could it be? Most of the people of Midnight knew his schedule, and they wouldn’t come visiting during his work hours
.... A bit irritated, he went to the door and opened it. The click of a picture being taken, which reminded him of a cricket’s chirp, sounded several times.
    “Mr. Bernardo, is it true that Rachel Goldthorpe was in your room at Vespers when she died?”
    Don’t ever look furtive, his grandmother had always told him.
    Manfred managed to control his pulse and his face, though inside he was scared as hell.

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Day Shift (Midnight, Texas #2)
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