Dead Heat

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He had made Troy drop him off two streets away from where the Astra was parked, then watched his source drive away before trudging to his car, gun in one pocket, drugs in another. He hid the items in the hollow where the spare wheel should have been, hoping that Troy didn’t have the brains to blob him in and call the cops anonymously. If Henry was found in possession of a gun and drugs, he’d have a hard time explaining it and could easily end up going down for it, rather as he had described to T...roy, maybe for longer.
He drove back to town. It was 10.45 p.m.
As instructed, he parked around the corner from the youth club and sauntered back to stand across the road in a shop doorway where he could watch the club entrance. A few kids were hanging round the door. They were giggly and high spirited, but not in the same way as the youths he’d watched congregating around the shops in South Shore. These seemed much nicer, stepping out of the way for other pedestrians, and were polite too.

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