Dead Reckoning

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The book Dead Reckoning was written by author Here you can read free online of Dead Reckoning book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Dead Reckoning a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Dead Reckoning book?
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She hadn’t slept past dawn the whole trip, and she felt more than a little indolent for letting it happen today.
As she put on her shoes, she thought about waking Ramon and having him pack their things on the burro. But she had nowhere to go just yet. Perhaps it was better to let the boy sleep a while this morning. Maybe she could borrow some eggs or cheese and make Ramon a big breakfast.
She closed the pine door quietly behind her as she stepped out into the gray light of early morning. The sun
... had not yet risen over the Sangre de Cristos, far across the valley. She stepped around the corner of the adobe to take in the view of the basin and her eyes pulled northward.
The first ray of sun suddenly streaked through a faraway mountain pass and fell on a patch of whiteness above the village. It seemed to flare, like the burning bush on the mountainside. A body of motion took form around it, and Petra made out a rider on a white mule leading a party of men toward the village.
Something made her shiver, and she took a step toward the travelers.

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Dead Reckoning
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