Deep Surrendering: Episode Six

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The book Deep Surrendering: Episode Six was written by author Here you can read free online of Deep Surrendering: Episode Six book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Deep Surrendering: Episode Six a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Deep Surrendering: Episode Six book?
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But his place was a sanctuary. Surrounded by his things, I felt the same as when I looked at the jellyfish. Deep calm.
I walked from room to room, finally ending in his bedroom. I turned off the lights except for the enchanted chandelier, and sat on the floor. To my left was the drawer that he’d freaked out about. I pulled it open slowly and peeked in. Yup, everything was still there.
The blindfold, the rope, the other instruments of his sexual preferences. I ran my fingers over them carefully, if they’d bite me. But of course they didn’t. They only intrigued me. We’d done some of these things, but I knew from a little internet research that we could go much deeper.
I stood up and went to his closet, to the dresser where he said he kept some of his other things. The drawer wasn’t locked, and I figured if he didn’t want me to know about it, he wouldn’t have told me.
After a brief walk through, touching his suits and shirts and ties and smelling his scent, I opened the drawer.

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Deep Surrendering: Episode Six
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