Deeper We Fall

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Holding Zan’s hand helped, too.Audrey had her coat on, but opened it to show us her costume. A thin button-up shirt that showed her belly button, a short pencil skirt, sexy pumps and a set of sensible glasses. Her hair was twisted back, revealing her cheekbones.“Wow,” Will breathed. “You look –” He couldn’t continue.“Damn, girl. You are going to make one sexy lawyer,” Trish said.“You got it? I brought this in case people didn’t get it.” She held up a gavel. “Even though I won’t get to bang one, ...I thought people might get the idea.”Will was still trying to put his eyes back in his head.“Close your mouth, Ernie,” I hissed at him. Zan looked like he wanted to laugh. Stryker coughed and Trish rolled her eyes. *** The noise from the party was so loud you could hear it far up the street. Since the house was just off campus, we’d decided to walk.“You sure about this?” Zan said looking at the pounding house that was practically bouncing on its foundation from the music and the gyrating bodies.“You only live once.”

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