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Contact with the primitives at Tau Ceti can be left to the current scientific team. You just want to be sure, first of all, that your team manages all contact with advanced races. Secondly, your department of defense absolutely must control any weaponization of the single-ended ports. “I’ve investigated and apparently D5R has nothing to do with the one ended ports, that’s entirely a side project of Donsaii’s. So you don’t need to do anything with D5R in general, simply gain control of Ell Donsai...i.” Ementhal chuckled, “I predict that Donsaii, who has led the life of a spoiled child, will break almost immediately upon being confronted with jail time.” Stockton chewed a lip a minute then turned to Costella. “OK, talk to Raul Stenner. He’s going to be my Attorney General. Let’s make sure we aren’t going to step in some kind of legal dogshit when we arrest the little twit.”   ***   Jacob Bensen stood a little ways inside the door of his home, welcoming guests to the Math Department’s annual Christmas party.

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