Demon Blood (2010)

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Demon Blood
Meljean Brook
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She walked through her front door as a young boy, spooning the last of a pistachio gelato into her mouth.
She could hear Deacon in the War Room. He’d likely been there all day, listening to surveillance from Theriault and St. Croix—the inactivity must be wearing on him. As amazing as his walking around during the day was, it wouldn’t take long before he felt trapped by the sun, limited to moving between two rooms.
In any case, surveillance was her responsibility, not his. She’d have to find some
...thing else for him, something he’d enjoy and that would keep both his hands and his mind occupied.
Gemma’s soft snores were audible through her bedroom door. Relief lightened Rosalia’s heart. The young woman hadn’t slept after the nephil’s attack last night. Perhaps a nap would erase the tiredness from her eyes. Vincente’s, too. Although, judging by the sound of pacing coming from Gemma’s room, Vincente wasn’t sleeping with her.
Rosalia sighed, stopping by the kitchen to toss the gelato cup.

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