Demon Bound (2010)

Cover Demon Bound
Demon Bound
Meljean Brook
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Without glancing that way, Ethan reached around Charlie’s shoulders and steadied it. “He needs to be controlling that.”
Irena’s knife had appeared in her hand, but she vanished it just as quickly. “Was that a cobra?”
When Alice nodded, Irena threw her head back, howling with laughter.
Charlie blinked. “What just happened?”
Alice had used enough force that the other two Guardians had seen it, but a vampire couldn’t receive images.
“Alice puked a snake all over the table,” Ethan said.
“For heaven’
...s sake, Ethan.” Alice grimaced. “You make it sound so revolting.”
“I ain’t ever come across anyone who could make it look pretty.”
Alice waited as a waiter set a basket of fried onion rings in front of Ethan, then Irena’s plate, heaped with seafood and potatoes. After the waiter’s brief hesitation, Charlie pointed at Alice, and he put Jake’s hamburger next to her wine.
“Perhaps I shouldn’t have done it,” Alice said once he’d moved on. Irena’s laughter had faded to a low chuckle, but Alice hadn’t missed the curious glances it had brought their way.

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