Demon Marked (2011)

Cover Demon Marked
Demon Marked
Meljean Brook
The book Demon Marked was written by author Here you can read free online of Demon Marked book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Demon Marked a good or bad book?
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Taylor waited for the door to close before swinging around. “What the fuck was that? ‘You’ll love him for the rest of your life’?”
“What?” Khavi frowned at her. “I did not say her life would be very long. I hope it is not.”
“God. We don’t do this.” Taylor looked at Lilith. When Ash had left, her eyes had been glowing red, but the flat stare Lilith leveled at Khavi looked twice as demonic. “Do we? Is this what we are now, that we sacrifice one life to save another?”
“That’s what Guardians have al
...ways been,” Khavi said. “Sacrificing our lives to save another’s is how we become Guardians.”
That wasn’t the same at all. But Khavi had a way of twisting things about that made Taylor wonder, “Are you saying Ash will become one if she sacrifices herself like this?”
“No,” Lilith said, and Taylor couldn’t remember hearing such cold anger from the woman before. Usually, the former demon hid it behind a razor-sharp smile and a tongue that could slice to the bone.

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