Demon Night (2008)

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She’d called her body the result of her dependency, but it was evidence that he’d overlooked when he’d been focusing on the inside and avoiding what he’d perceived as a weakness.The emotional neediness was there; he hadn’t been mistaken in that. But like the fool who missed the forest for the trees, he hadn’t seen the whole right in front of him: Charlie knew herself so well that she’d created a layer of pure steel that was physical and emotional, keeping those tendencies contained. She’d channe...led weakness into strength, and he’d wager anything that if she found herself being trapped by her need, she’d chew her arm off escaping it—knowing that the brief agony of loss was better than a slow starving death.Had it been her lack of shields? He hadn’t had to expend any effort getting in. He’d noted how well she chose which emotions she revealed, but only considered it relevant as to his need to get into her head to read her. Maybe that was why he’d missed seeing how strong she’d built the gate that led into her emotions; it had swung open so easily to admit him, he’d never imagined that she’d built an impenetrable lock on the other side.And when she’d closed it, she’d surely gotten a part of him caught up in there.Part of him?

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