Derailed Ii

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I was loving every minute of it. As Ari zoomed uptown, my ponytail whipped across my face. My eyes darted between the city streets, the car’s rich tan leather and veneer interior, and Ari’s gorgeous, but unreadable profile.
    “So, come on, tell me where we’re going,” I begged him. We were getting close to his apartment.
    “If I tell you, will you play with my Pac-Man?”
    I glanced down at the bulge between his legs and felt myself flushing. Tingles rushed to my core. “Sure,” I stammered. “
...But not in front of your son.”
    Ari’s lush lips curved into a smile. “Southampton. I have a house there.”
    Southampton was the summer playground of New York’s elite. It figured that Trainman would have a second residence there. My stomach bunched up with nerves. Two questions pummeled my head: 1. What was I going to wear? (I didn’t exactly come packed for a weekend at the beach), and 2.

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