Descent07 - Paradise Damned

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He opened his eyes to see green spikes in front of his face, and pushed himself onto all fours with a gasp. The sound was strangely crisp, unmuffled by Limbo, and his ears ached at the clarity of the sound.He was on his hands and knees on something green. James flexed his fingers.Grass.It had been so long since he had seen such a thing that he almost didn’t recognize the green slivers between his fingers. He let his fingertips sink into the soil. It pushed underneath the white tips of his finger...nails, turning them black.The earth was wet. How long had it been since James felt anything moist, or dry, or anywhere in between other than that gray nothingness?He pressed his face to the grass, and the blades tickled his cheeks. It felt so marvelously novel that he never wanted to lift his head again. But he had to. He couldn’t lie there for eternity. If he had found grass, then that could only mean one thing.James had finally reached the garden.His knees were soaked with dew, his fingers were clammy, and when he stood, all of his muscles trembled.

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