Design Guidelines: Back Bay Residential District. (Pre-Publication Draft)

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ROOTS The mansard roof is one of the most frequently repeated architectural forms in the Back Bay Residential District, (figure # : aerial photo), It is the hallmark of the French Second Empire and was considered, in its day, a modern and very fashionable design feature. As a double pitched roof consisting of .a steep, lower slops pierced by dormers and a barely perceptible flatter upper portion., the mansard provided a full extra floor of living space which, in the Back Bay, functioned as servant's quarters, (figure # ; sketch). Mansard roofs were designed to be visible from the street and were covered with slate tiles arranged in decorative patterns.
After i860, gabled, hipped, and conical roofs became prominent in the district. These roofs are frequently complex in design and are distinguished by protruding towers, high chimney stacks, and tall fancifully detailed dormer windows. Slate coverings are most usual, although copper sheathing and terracotta tiles are also apparent.

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Design Guidelines: Back Bay Residential District. (Pre-Publication Draft)
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