Designer Genes

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Loren Wilson P.O. Box 1315 Brea, California   Copyright 2000, 2013 by Jackie Hyman First print edition published by Harlequin Books. This edition has been revised and updated.
  No portion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without permission of the author except short excerpts for review or promotional purposes. And you may read funny passages aloud to amuse your friends. Thank you.
      Chapter One     She’d been a striking woman with long blonde hair. He couldn’t remem
...ber the shape of her face, though. Oval? Rectangular? Octagonal?
Her image remained indistinct. But their first contact in that hotel conference room had been memorable enough to haunt his dreams ever since.
She’d gazed deep into his eyes, and he felt it all the way down into the pit of his stomach, which thrummed as if its throttle were stuck.
Her voice flowed over him like the sound system in a Lexus. She was murmuring something about a donation, a fund-raiser. And he was always game to help raise money for his favorite charity.

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