Desolate (Riverband #2)

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What reading level is Desolate (Riverband #2) book?
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I was hammered. I knew I'd probably spend the rest of the night puking, but if I cared, I wouldn't have downed my twelfth drink and filled up for my thirteenth.
      Two weeks ago I decided to let her go. And to let her go, I had spent every night out-of-my-mind high or drunk.
      Janzy came over and bumped my side with her hip. "Quit hogging, Loner." She smiled.
      Music was blaring. I barely heard her talking. I laughed.
      "Let's get out of here," I said with my lips pressed against
...her ear.
      She raised a brow. "I'm with Jackson."   "And?  Where is he then?" I bit my lip. Reese played through my mind, but I pushed her out of it. "Come on," I put my arm around her waist and we walked out in the woods away from everyone.
      "You're drunk!" She said as she giggled. I backed her against a tree and kissed her neck, running my hands up her shirt.

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Desolate (Riverband #2)
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