Destined for Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens, book 2) Contemporary Romance

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The book Destined for Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens, book 2) Contemporary Romance was written by author Here you can read free online of Destined for Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens, book 2) Contemporary Romance book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Destined for Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens, book 2) Contemporary Romance a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Destined for Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens, book 2) Contemporary Romance book?
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Rex was too big, too strong—an immovable wall. He grabbed both of her wrists in one hand and held them over her head. In an effort to push him away with her feet, she fell back on the bench of the truck, taking him with her. Her hands were still held captive in his palm, his other hand pressed into the bench beside her head. Her body lay beneath him, and boy, did he feel good. His hard shaft against her leg sent shocks through her core.
    Face-to-face, breath-to-breath, they didn’t say a word.
    Kiss me. Just fucking kiss me already. She could barely breathe under the weight of him, but she didn’t care. Her body ached for him, and she had no control of her hips as they pressed into his groin or of her chest as she arched toward him. She had to know how his lips felt on hers even if for only one kiss. Her heart might burst from her chest if he didn’t kiss her soon.
    “I told you not to move,” he finally said. His words were forced, harsh.

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Destined for Love (Love in Bloom: the Bradens, book 2) Contemporary Romance
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