Devil-Puzzlers : And Other Studies

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Our workmen are well used to their trade : they think neither the better nor the worse of a minister because they have played football with his head, and manufactured his bowels and his brains for him. It's all a matter of business with them." A naked minister, near several others, stood ready for transfer to the tailor's shop.
The head and hands were finished and colored skilfully, like nature, and suggested the ghastly idea that they had been cut off from a live man, or a
...dead one, and stuck up there for models. The rest of the creature was a mass of machinery, bearing enough resemblance to the human figure to admit of being draped into a sufficient resemblance to it.
*' John," said my friend to a workman who was passing through the room at the moment, *' is that improved double-action minister wound up?" '* Yes, sir," replied the man : '' but he isn't oiled ; and the power hasn't been regu- lated." ** Never mind," answered Budlong, turn- ing to me: ''he'll click and rattle, and grin and squirm a little; but you can get an idea of the operation of the works." So saying, he threw the machinery into gear with a key.

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