
Cover Devils
Wall, James Charles
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What reading level is Devils book?
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As an independent neutral, Abel Reverdy, whom his wife stirred to action, caught up a stool and joined the defenders.
" Why, you fool," a leader of the Hounds derided him amiably, " what you want to do with that stool ?
If the Almighty can't help himself, you think you 're goin' to help him ? " Abel was daunted by the reasoning, and even Sally stayed her war cries.
" Well, I guess there 's sumpin' in that," Abel as- sented, and he lowered his weapon.
The incident distracted his captors and Dylk
...s broke from them, and ran into the yard before the house.
He was covered with soot and dust and his clothes were torn ; his coat was stripped in tatters, and his long hair hung loose over it.
His prophecies of doom to those who should lay hands upon him had been falsified, but to the literal sense of David Gillespie he had not yet been sufficiently proved an impostor : till he should bring his daughter a strand of the hair which Dylks had proclaimed it death to touch, she would believe in him, and David followed 139 THE LEATHERWOOD GOD in the crowd straining forward to reach Redfield, who with one of his friends had Dylks under his protec- tion.

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