Devil's Embrace

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There was something tickling her lips. She opened her eyes and tensed. She was locked tightly in the earl’s arms, her cheek against his shoulder. She drew back her head, scarcely able to weave her thoughts together. I have given myself to this man. She gave a shake of her head, recalling the intense, rampant sensations that had driven all thought from her mind, remembering vividly moaning her lust to him, holding him against her as if she would have dissolved into jagged pieces if he had release...d her. She was a woman now. But she had given herself to a ruthless man she did not love, the man who had abducted her. She wanted to scream her fury at herself and her hatred of him for making her respond to him. How could she have felt what she did but one night after he raped her? Her unspoken reply made her shrink within herself. But I am a lady, an English lady. No, she was not a lady, she was a slut, with no more moral fiber than the cheapest harlot, and she had betrayed Edward. She remembered her words, wrenched from her last evening.

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