Directions for Cutting Garments With the Davis Improved Square

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4. Measure from top of shoulder to elbow with the arm bent.
5. With the arm bent, iBcasure from top of shoulder over elbow joint to wrist bone.
THE FOLLOWING MEASURES ARE TO BE USED WHILE LEARNING TO DRAFT: Neck, 12 Length of Back, - 16 Waist, 24 Width of Back, - - - 61 Bust, 36 Under Arm, - 8 Front for Neck, - 13 Shoulder, - - - H Length of Front, m Slope of Shoulder, - - 30 Width of Front, 7 SLEE^VE- Arm, Wrist, Shoulder to Wrist, - 12 Elbow, 8 Shoulder to Elbow, - 22 10 14 I^IO-XTI^E 1.
...ram: ok front.
Place the Square on the paper, long straight side toward j'ou, two inches from front edge of paper and one-half inch down from top of paper, draw a line down the length of Square and across the top. Without moving Square mark on top line the size of neck, using front neck scale, mark call dot A.
6 Move the Square over and place the neck size in back neck scale on dot A and mark on front line the length of front, mark call dot B.
One-half inch above dot B on front line, mark call dot C.

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Directions for Cutting Garments With the Davis Improved Square
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