Disintegration And Preservation of Building Stones in Egypt

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Before the salts contained in a stone can be brought into the condition of solution, water must gain access, and when this is the case there is no practicable way in which the solution formed can be prevented from reaching the surface.
4. — Hardening the Surface of the Stone.
This can be done by precipitating certain chemical compounds within the stone, either by combination between the constituents of the stone itself and those of a solution applied to the surface, or by interaction between th
...e ingredients of two separate solutions applied to the stone one after the other. Only a very considerable hardening of the stone to some depth below the surface is of much use, anything short of this resulting in the formation of a thin skin of hardened material which readily scales off.
Stone Preservatives in Use.
Any preservative to be of practical value must fulfil at least two conditions. In the first place it must be of such a price that its use on a large scale is economically possible, and secondly it must be capable of easy application in such a way that the stone is well pene- trated, and this means in effect that it must be of such a nature that it can be applied by means of a brush or spraying machine.

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Disintegration And Preservation of Building Stones in Egypt
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