Documents of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey

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Documents of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey
New Jersey. Legislature
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I did not Quest Did you swear to any paper or document, or take any oath, when yon got your second papers ?
^n$. Yea.
Quest. What did you swear to ?
^ns. I swore that I was liable to my papers to be a citizen.
Quest. What fiwjt or facts did you swear to when you got your second papers?
^ns. I forget all about it now.
Quest. How do you spell your name ?
^ns. A sort of way I have of my own of spelling it is Brina.
Direct examination resumed — Quest. What was it you meant wh^ you said Mr. Davidson
... called it " e," and you called it "a." ^ns. I told you I was no scholar and could not pronounce my name right Quest. Do you really know how to spell your name ?
^ns. No. (Counsel for Mr. Tyrrell objects here to any re-opening of the direct examination.
Quest. Have you had any conversation with Yank about the testi- mony you were to give in this matter ?
^ns. Yes.
Quest. What did Yank say to you ?
^ns. He said it would not hurt me any thing upon my oath for me to say it was a favor of him I voted the ticket MATTHEW + BRIAN.

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Documents of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey
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