Dominated: the Enforcers 2 (The Enforcers Series)

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The book Dominated: the Enforcers 2 (The Enforcers Series) was written by author Here you can read free online of Dominated: the Enforcers 2 (The Enforcers Series) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Dominated: the Enforcers 2 (The Enforcers Series) a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Dominated: the Enforcers 2 (The Enforcers Series) book?
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She was already dreading the following day, when her parents would fly back home.
    As they walked off the elevator, Drake reached out and shackled her wrist with his fingers and pulled her to a stop.
    “Go into the bedroom, get undressed and wait for me on the bed. Lie on your back, arms over your head, legs spread so I see what is mine the minute I walk through the bedroom door.”
    Her mouth went dry and she swallowed at the knot seemingly lodged there. His voice was so sexy. Low pitched
... and husky. The mere sound had the same effect as if he’d stroked her with his hands. Each word was its own individual caress over her ears.
    “I’ll give you five minutes,” he warned.
    She’d be ready for him in three.
    Turning, she hurried to the bedroom, already stripping her clothing off as she entered. She tossed her dress and shoes in the far corner and then crawled on top of the covers and eased down on her back.

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Dominated: the Enforcers 2 (The Enforcers Series)
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