Early English Adventurers in the East

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The book Early English Adventurers in the East was written by author Here you can read free online of Early English Adventurers in the East book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Early English Adventurers in the East a good or bad book?
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They did this in the approved fashion " with earth and a young nutmeg tree and with writings drawn and confirmed under the hand ■of the principal gentry and seal or chop of the country." FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH 191 Thereafter the English flag was hoisted and saluted and six guns were landed and mounted in two batteries near the shore in preparation for all eventuaUties. The Dutch were not slow to take up the gauntlet which Courthope had so defiantly thrown down. A few days after the cere- mony desc...ribed, Cornelis Dedel, the Dutch Commander at Neira, appeared ofi Poolo Eoon with three ships fully manned, prepared to evict the intruders. He anchored two of his vessels near the Swan and Defence and the third was placed between the ships and the shore to pre- vent assistance being rendered from that quarter. But Dedel had reckoned without the shore batteries, and when he discovered these and found also that the natives were fully prepared to back the English he reluctantly with- drew to await reinforcements from Amboina.

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