Earthwork Slips And Subsidences Upon Public Works: Their Causes, Prevention ...

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Earthwork Slips And Subsidences Upon Public Works: Their Causes, Prevention ...
Newman, John B
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What reading level is Earthwork Slips And Subsidences Upon Public Works: Their Causes, Prevention ... book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

1. Should the surfaces of a cutting be drained and pro- tected and be excavated to a comparatively steep slope ; or, 2, Should they be left undrained and uncovered and be excavated to a flat slope. Provided a cutting can be readily drained and covered and there is no probability of any sudden or permanent increase of moisture, perhaps the flrst method is the more economical ; but much depends upon the quantity of water held by the earth in its normal state, whether it is of the same character t
...hroughout, and the depth of a cutting.
Should the beds be upheaved or intermixed, then a flat slope is necessary and no covering except a wall may make it stable at a steep slope, and, for instance, should clay be always in a semi-saturated condition, 3 to 1 is the least slope at which it will permanently stand, and it will usually require a more moderate inclination. A medium course to adopt is that of varying the inclination of the slopes, the steepest, of course, being at the top and the flattest towards the toe ; this is in accordance with the laws of pressure and a mathematical investigation of the theoretically correct slope, which nearly corresponds with the actual slope a high embankment will assume when allowed to weather and settle : for by varying the inclination of the slope the latter becomes practically a curved line and approximates to that of the curve of equilibrium.

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