Easy French, a Reader for Beginners

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Easy French, a Reader for Beginners
Snow, William B. (William Brackett), 1865-
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Where can I read Easy French, a Reader for Beginners for free?
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What reading level is Easy French, a Reader for Beginners book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

7. Que lui donna celui-ci? 8. Que dit le Tartaro au jeune homme ? 9. Racontez ce qui se passa jusqu'à l'arrivée du serpent. 10. Le serpent eut-il peur en voyant le jeune homme ? 11. Comment se défit- on du serpent? 12. Pourquoi le jeune homme ne retour- na-t-il pas avec la princesse? 13. Que lui promit-il?
14, Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un carrosse? 15. Racontez la quatrième partie de l'histoire.
Exercise I. I would introduce you to my father if you would con- sent to it. 2. He ought to go to Rome,
... but he is not will- ing to go there. 3. If he had to go to Paris he would send his cousin there too. 4. If he had been afraid of the serpent, he couldn't hâve eut olï his head. 5. We should be very glad now if the princess had come yesterday.
6. Petit-Yorge would call the Tartaro if he needed him.
7. If you should give him a new coat he would be very glad. 8. If she could hâve found the cologne, she would hâve thrown a few drops on the young man's horse. 9. If he had had his sword he could hâve eut ofï the serpent's head.

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Easy French, a Reader for Beginners
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