Edge of Survival

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The book Edge of Survival was written by author Here you can read free online of Edge of Survival book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Edge of Survival a good or bad book?
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Patience was a virtue and, from what he’d seen, the do-gooders knew nothing about land animals, which gave him time to put his plan into action. He shifted on his belly, inching forward with one arm extended before him, the carcass of a cottontail pushed out in front. He’d built the trap in the traditional way, so it looked like nothing more than a pile of rocks, and he’d baited the entrance, putting out scent lures for the irascible glutton. The space was too long and narrow for wolves, and the... rocks were heavy enough for the bears not to bother, given the abundance of food this time of year. Still, he never liked the idea of laying out fresh bait in the summer.
He shuffled backward and found a long stick and used that to poke the rabbit the final few inches, then he went round the other side and fixed a string from the bait to a stick that propped up the roof. He was careful not to disturb the finely balanced boulder that would crack the animal’s head when it ate its final meal.

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