Educational Essays

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It you have received it as a revelation, it is too late to cavil, argue, or doubt, concerning it. You must receive a prophet in the name of a prophet if you would receive a prophet's reward. However humbling to the pride of reason may be this unquestioning belief, I enjoin it with the more confidence because you will accord it to some- thing. You will seek rest in something infallible. "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not; if another come in his own name, him ye will receive."
...Alas! there is as much diflference between the revelations of Scripture concerning Divine things and the specula- tions of men, as between the solid world which Columbus discovered, and the dark, agitated, and liquid chaos which, beyond a certain horizon, presented itself to the imaginations of men before the days of that immortal navigator. And here let me advise you to read no skep- tical works; they are unnecessary: a proposition and its contradictory need not both be investigated; if one be true, the other is false.

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