Emma's Secret

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The book Emma's Secret was written by author Here you can read free online of Emma's Secret book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Emma's Secret a good or bad book?
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I have a meeting this morning.”
Peter held tight to Emma’s hand as she jumped out of the vehicle onto the pavement. She’d dressed up today, wearing a bright-yellow dress with a white-and-yellow headband.
“But Papa’s here.” A pout formed on her lips as she pointed to Jack’s truck.
Peter shrugged. “Sorry, Em, we don’t have much time today.”
Emma lowered her head and dragged her feet, kicking up loose gravel as she walked.
“But you can still say hi and give him your drawing.” Peter shook his head a
...s she lifted her gaze and the brightest smile he’d seen all day appeared.
Emma skipped along, dragging Peter behind her as she headed toward the front doors. Peter caught Jack’s eye through the window and gave a slight wave. His stomach clenched. He felt a little hesitant about bringing Emma today, and wasn’t sure whether it was from guilt or something else. He was keeping too many secrets from her lately. If he wasn’t careful, things could backfire in his face.
Once inside, Emma tore her fingers out of Peter’s grip and ran toward Jack.

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Emma's Secret
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