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What reading level is Emphyrio book?
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Amiante completed a fine screen which was judged ‘Acme’ and which also received a Guild Citation of Excellence, with which he was quietly pleased.
    He also received a visit from a Guide Leaper of the Temple, a sharp-featured young man wearing a scarlet jacket, a tall black hat, brown breeches tight around heavy legs, knotted with muscle after a lifetime of leaping. He came to remonstrate in regard to Ghyl’s carefree life. “Why does he not participate in Soul Endowment? What of his Basic Salta
...tions? He knows neither Rite nor Rote nor Doxology; nor Leaps nor Bounds! Finuka requires more than this!”
    Amiante listened politely, but continued to work with his chisel. He spoke in a mild voice, “The lad is hardly old enough to think. If he has a mind to devotion, he’ll know fast enough; then he’ll more than make up for any lack.”
    The Leaper became excited. “A fallacy! Children are best trained young. Witness myself!

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