End Days Super Boxset

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There had been no outside activity, but he could see movement in the towers above the concrete walls surrounding the base. The main, and only, entrance was through the rolling chain-link fence, which itself was capped with concertina wire on top.
Two large red and white signs were attached to the gates that read, "Restricted Access," and "Authorized Personnel Only." Much time had passed since the outpost had operated as a drone site, and Greg wondered whether there was any continuing military pr
...esence at the base. He was concerned it had been taken over by a rogue group. The only question was why.
After a restless night’s sleep, it was soon morning, and Greg was determined to find a way in without being seen. However, the desolate area around the base provided no cover. To simply approach it would mean full exposure. Nighttime would be his only option, but he still would need a way in.
Lying on his stomach and propped up by his bug-out bag, Greg held his binoculars up and scanned the walls of the base.

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