Enticed By His Forgotten Lover

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she murmured as she lazily stretched.“Oh, good, you’re awake. I’d hate to think I was taking advantage of a sleeping woman.”She laughed. “Oh, I bet.”“I have a lot to make up for,” he said.He slid his mouth down the midline of her chest and then over the swell of one breast.“You do?”He traced the puckered crest of her nipple with his tongue and then sucked gently. He let go and looked up to meet her gaze. In the soft glow of her bedside lamp, she could see regret simmering in his eyes.“Evidently ...I have no control when it comes to you. I wanted to make it good for you. I wanted it to last. I didn’t take care of you very well. I guess it goes along with my selfish-bastard ways.”She rolled her eyes and lifted her palm to caress the side of his face. “If I had been any more satisfied I think I would have died. I like that I drove you a little wild.”He arched one eyebrow. “A little? I’m not sure that accurately describes the mind-numbing experience I had. I don’t ever remember losing it like that with any other woman.

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Enticed By His Forgotten Lover
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