Essays On Poetry And Poets

Cover Essays On Poetry And Poets
Essays On Poetry And Poets
Noel, Roden Berkeley Wriothesley, 1834-1894
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Once he contrasts the nightingale, that "creature of a fiery heart," with the stockdove, rather to the disadvantage of the former : — ** She sang of love with quiet blending, Slow to begin, and never ending, Of serious faith, and inward glee ; That was the song, the song for me I " How enviable the disposition of that man who could say, sweet-natured through all harsh judgment and neglect — " IVe heard of hearts unkind, kind deeds With coldness still returning ; Alas, the gratitude of men Hath ...oftener left me mourning I " Digitized by VjOOQ IC WORDSWORTH. 1 35 Politically one may regret that the excesses and failures of the Revolution should have thrown back this " lost leader" so far into the arms of blind reaction and dull convention. Still it is not to be denied that the religious, reverential, ancestral elements needed a poetic champion and interpreter. For the profane, all-dissolving understand- ing would tear remorselessly away all our mosses and lichens, all our herbage and flowers, laying us bare to the very stones; nay, threatens to take the solid earth from under our feet, if that were possible !

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