Estimation of the Renal Function in Urinary Surgery

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Estimation of the Renal Function in Urinary Surgery
John William Thomson-Walker (Sir.)
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A dilution of the standard solution of methylene blue to I in 10,000 gives a very pale blue, and it will be found more convenient to work with a solution of i in 5,000.
When the chromogen and blue are estimated separ- ately, as may readily be done, it will be foimd that a chromogen blue urine of apparently similar depth of colour to a methylene blue urine will require a considerably greater quantity of standard solution to produce an equal shade.
...E 95 For the purpose of obtaining records for comparison of various cases, charts were constructed in which some attempt was made"- to describe the varjdng tints assumed by the methylene blue urine.
This method was found sufficiently reliable for the comparison of different cases.
Variations in the colour- ation of the urine occur in the eUmination of blue by the healthy kidneys. The tem- porary pol3ruria produced by tea or a large draught of water reduces the percentage of colouring material in the urine for an hour or more (Chart 14).

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